Monday, December 13, 2010

Me and My Quan Yin

I like tattoos. I have one. I love it, and it means something to me and its beautiful and not dumb, and classic and timeless and blah blah blah! But of course my mom thinks it means that I'm a ex-con or in the Yakuza gang or someshiz! It's a friggin' Quan Yin! Buddhist goddess of compassion! Gosh! Anyways, I don't advertise it, because it's something personal to me, and I wouldn't want my younger cousins to see it and think its okay to just get one done. It's been a very long thought process of mine, since I was 13, and got it about a year ago (still need color) so I wouldn't want people to think it's okay to just get it on a whim! That's one thing I would regret...a permanent mark of bad thoughts and choices.

My dad had a few...mostly from the Army, but I think the older he got the less he wanted them and had them all removed. I think also a job had something to do with it....
Luckily, I'm in a creative field, and don't think people have many objections to it in the workplace. I'm in the business of design and knowing what visual language means what, and how to communicate a message, and if I can't do that to my body, and say who I am without speaking a word, then something is wrong with that. I'm not afraid to let my passions show, since it usually gets me what I want. I have style that I want to be observed, and believe that you can do that with your image. Fashion, attitude, body language, all of that jazz speaks volumes, even if you don't know it. I'm also a firm believer that your face is an extension of your personality. Frown lines, or smile lines each say something, but to a different spectrum.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I have this urge to go blonde again!!!


I wear so much black, and dark eyeliner, I always feel like it'd be a good contast. *sigh* But I'm so racially ambiguous lookin' I feel like people will either start speaking to me in Spanish, or Armenian...hmm...

Me, blonde, back in the day: Circa 2006

This is me when I was 18 or so. I told myself "I'm in artschool! I can do whatevr's to mah haurrr and it don't mattur!" Obviously, the voice in my head is illiterate. 
But now, since I'm out, I think to myself sometimes that I need to look "corporate-friendly" at times in case I got on a job interview and they know I'm not just some crazy ass bro-hoe/asian girl who likes to be aryan race or whatever other stereotype there is about non-natural blonde, blondes!


Oh man, you guys, I feel so bad for not updating!
I finally took a look at my blog, and I have been Capital L Lagging!

Life Update: Finished up my temp/freelance gig at the Center for Civic Education, and now I'm freelancing...working for a wholesale flooring/hardwood co. Doing identity projects for them that they need.

I recently turned double deuce, or in english, 22 years old, which was fantastic! I saw Katy Perry and met LL Cool J on a whim!

My bff Skippy aka Melissa invited me to go to the Pre-Grammy Nomination concert and there they were!! 

Also, I went to the Grill 'em All truck, which is this awesome food truck that makes crazy/cool great burger combos. I got the Behemoth which has grilled cheese BUNS!

I suggest you all go! All they do is play thrash/metal! haha

Monday, October 11, 2010

Could I BE anymore of an art school cliche right now?

I'm at starbucks right now, updating my blog, working on updating my website, and avoiding eye contact with an elderly man sitting to my right.
Life's been busy; finishing up work at my temp job, making websites! doing animations! Now time to find a new job, and start another chapter in my life! This one will be called "Chapter 13: Age 22 around the corner. What's next for Borrah Jackson."

Love you all,
Borrah J.

Friday, August 20, 2010

a ridic long post of pictures i like

this is how i feel about my blog sometimes.

dogs never win in a cat fight

i miss ny soooooooo mucho.

i want this sooooooooooo bad *le sigh*

im getting a neck face tattoo. 
and a skateboard. thats final!

this should be my halloween costume

but instead im making this

i'm actually almost done with the head.

so hot

im sure this was a good time

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


SOOOO... I've had my eye on this pretty thing for the past few weeks.

I can even get an instant back for it! = instant photo/film= squealing borraheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
Having some spending $$$ now means that I can support my own artistic hobbies! Like illustrations (scanner, lightbox, here I come!! <3) and a camera, since I didn't have the opportunity to take photography at Otis: it came down to either taking photography or silkscreening/letterpress, and I opted to take the latter because I really wanted to learn how to burn a screen, and print, etc, which I don't have any regrets doing because I loooove it! *just glanced over my left shoulder to see my 2 giantic screens in my room*
Also, my friend Jasmine who is a photog buff, will help me out when I need to load and unload film into the canister. Vouyeurism, here I come!!! ALSO, the lomography store in Santa Monica is the largest in ze world! So that's where I'm headed to next weekend! They have free classes on how to use cameras and such too :) can you say LOVE?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I GOT A LIFE!!! aka a job, hence the lack of posts =(

in other BJ news: watching Gummo at the mo, and the soundtrack is pretty sweet.


Sunday, July 18, 2010

henry rollins

...started somewhere.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

zumbie b0y

Something I've been playing around with/revisiting!

Inspiration for the next one.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

blk n wht

A cop said this to my friend, and now they're dating. true story.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sometimes, I wish I had hilarious things to blog about all the time...when I don't I just post funny/cool/random/beautiful photos/illustrations/videos.

My 2 favorites in one. 
In awesome clothes. Playing mini-golf. 

Lemmy of Motorhead.
My friend loves Lemmy so much in the most non-homo, but heavy-metal kind, that he removed this from his facebook wall because he couldn't take the homosexual overtones.

You know you wanna. Too bad John has the worst, but I want his the most.

Friday, July 9, 2010


Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tavi + Agent J

So you know in Men In Black, where Will Smith's Character AKA Agent J, is in that Exam Testing Scene? Where all the other military-experienced job candidates shoot at the monsters, and he just shoots the little girl Tiffany who deserved to die? 

Yeah, that's how I feel about Tavi Gevinson aka STYLE ROOKIE. I'm sure she's cool and down-to-earth and bla bla bla, but whoa! That girl is, like, 13 years old, and blogs about herself wearing "awkward jackets, and pretty hats." I don't know about you, but those are the words of a total hipster in training. I'm probably going to get a lot of shit for writing this. Kids are growing up so fast nowadays. I think it just that younger generations perceive fashion, design, and trends with such great ease in a world where technology just grows upon itself, and speeds up everything, and everytime it advances. 

Ever her prepubescent friend has my same Betsey purse!!!!
photo credit to tavi, duh.

leggings + jeans - clogs

Okay. Um. I hate to admit this, but I might give into this whole jegging's craze. It's like the coverage and support of jeans, but comfort of leggings! What's not to love?!

I'm also hating this whole clog's craze. MY DAD WEARS CLOGS. Therefore, they are not cool. Not that my dad isn't a snappy dresser or anything, he's just a different demographic than myself.
 I don't care what Karl Lagerfeld says, I will tell all Chanel fans myself! Hmph!

What the Eff, Vice Magazine?

My dream job is to work at Vice Magazine. In any form. I even emailed them about myself last year, and guess what? Never heard back. *le sigh* I'm sure they get emails all the time from young, eager, and willing designers who will do anything to get their foot in the door.
Anyways, if you've been to my publication site, you'll notice that it is a FULL BLEED production. Great name, if you ask me. (FYI its a technical printing term for making sure the ink gets printed to the edges of a document, do you don't end up trimming it, and then having a dumb looking border that is the color of your paper.) Then, as I was doing my weekly cruise of Vice Magazine, I stumbled upon THIS!

What the Eff?!

I have a sneaking suspicion that someone was like "Hey, we got an email from this chick, let's steal her ideas!" hahaha im totally joking. That's just what I think in my young, eager, and willing mind, and my ego crying out to the over lords of Vice. *le sigh #2*
This book totally combines about %50 of what is Borrah Jackson. Skating, Photography, NY, street culture, graffiti, urban life! Holler!

This would probably be a good gift for my bff Frank, whose an awesome skate boarder, and if you are reading this, you should go stalk him at the Northridge Mall. He works at Boarder's and you should sign him as a pro skater already. And this photographer who shot all of this is pretty awesome, too.

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