So when I was facebook today (what I've been doing with 99% of my post-graduate life JAY KAY), one of my old friends from highschool hit me up on that chat thingy (which I hate btw) and said something to me like "Things you post on facebook make your life seem really interesting." THATS BECAUSE I AM INTERESTING. I HAVE A BLOG, FOOL. I POST INTERESTING SHIT ALL THE TIME. DUH.
Then, he went on to tell me that he was surprised that "I could converse." What the fuck is that, dude? A back-handed compliment. Am I supposed to say the expected "Thanks?" Thanks, Question Mark. Then he tried to make some joke about being it being a "black-handed compliment," cuz that fool is half-black. Even full black guys I know don't say dumb shit like that. Then I was going to have another segway, into this bit of info down below, but I really don't. I just wanted to say that "black handed" joke, since it made for a funny title.
Anyways, I proceeded to read that my former classmate/colleague at Sony, when we used to intern there together and have our lunch dates at the same time, applied to be a barista and receptionist. *sigh* The woes of post-grad life. She says she searching high and low for jobs, but you know what, times are tough, baby. So here's a little shout out to Gianna Quinci who has a super sweet website. I should know, I watched her develop it for our Web Presence class last spring. So if you decide not to give "interesting" Borrah a job, then give it to her, because I will vouch for her non-cheesy, commericial taste with I have totally respected this past year or so.
Another note, I don't frown upon working a Starbucks or clothing store or whatever it takes to pay your bills. I mean sure, they are not the most desirable situations, but please do come to peace with your pride and integrity before your phone or hot water get cut off.