Friday, June 25, 2010

COLAB. type + film aka Best Thing I Have Ever Written. Durrr

oh big fat DUH.
One of my favorite artists did the lettering for the Where The Wild Things Are promo posters.
Geoff McFetridge and Spike Jonze probably get together on the weekends at Intelligensia, and discuss vintage frame glasses, crewneck sweaters, and their hairlines, in their same pitch voice. If one of them called me on the phone, because they do that from time to time, I'd have to be like "IS THIS SPIKE OR GEOFF, CUZ YOU BOTH HAVE THE SAME VOICE."
And then they'd be like "Borrah, get over yourself and the other hipsters talking shit about this film, and go watch the movie we worked on cuz we know you kinda have a boner for us both." Cuz I have totally not done that the movie, not the boner. Possible Where The Wild Things Are Movie Review post, since my friend Frank gave me his Netflix account. Hmmmm....
But yes, I kinda do thing Geoff is pretty dreamy. I think it's the nerdyness plus CalArt vibes he's totally throwing at me. lOLZ. I went to a gallery opening once, and saw him there! Can you say SWOON? I was all "OMG Vanessa, that's one of my favorite artists...right there. So close, I can smell the Tide from his cords." But you know, I felt so intimidated I couldn't talk to him. I was also really distracted by this super awesome Ed Templeton (Total Skater Tag in the works) photo of Fugazi, with Ian Curtis, so my inner Hardcore Kid was screaming. 
Here's the photo I was eyeballfucking.

I don't know who these fools are, but they were all up on this shiz, hUH. YEAH. RIGHT. THATS RIGHT. IM RIGHT.hUHHH.

Also, WTF is Geoffy's race? Being a halfie asian, 1/2 n 1/2, or the Hapa, as some Hawaiians like to call 'em, I'm getting a little half breeding in the EYES. It's always in the eyes. Or maybe his rotund frames, and combination of farsighted-ness make those peepers look a lot more asian. Is it just me?! 

Geoff McFetridge from Iconoclast Editions on Vimeo.

SEEE! WTF, THEY EVEN HAVE SKATE DECKS. Another tag! The circle is complete!!!