Monday, May 31, 2010

happy memorial day y'all!

So for the last 2 nights I've been going to Hollywood Forever Cemetery...Good times, all the time. Except on Saturday night with was a bummer when I got my car towed =/ It sucked balls. ... Then last night I saw Purple Rain. Who DOESN'T have a good time with Prince? However, I highly suggest you all go out there and try to make it. It's such a good time, hanging out with dead bodies, 6ft under, you can bring your own beer and food, picnic style, watch a movie projected on the side of a mausoleum, and occasionally join everyone while they yell at the screen in joy. I suggest going there early too!
Here's a link to it Cinespia
Acutally, you know what, it was so packed last night. Don't go.

Friday, May 28, 2010


I feel the need to post about new yawwwk. Shit, that city is so awesome. Kinda wanna move there now. Everyone I met wants me to move there. Why do you ask? because thats what all the cool kids do. duh. Get together and talk about moving to new york. How I do at 38,000 feet. Check out my blue nails, too.

Lara picking me up from JFK

My 25 dollar meal, at the most WASP-y restaurant!
Thanks, Karen!
awwww yeeeah.
my futon :)
happy hour at tandem bar, stumbling distance from Lara's apartment
We got free Pearl Jam tickets!!! yay! Thanks Karen!

Tay Trong shout out!

So If you know me, then you know that I just got back from a trip to NYC. Which was totally awesome/amazing/fun/educational/ and something that made a grow thismuch. I stayed with my friend Michael Lara, who will always be known to me as "Lara." He also dated another friend of mine, Candace who i <3, too. Anywho, sleeping on his futon, also meant being an automatic guest at his housewarming shindig that he had with his roomies, which were also totally awesome/nice people. I met this guy named Tay Trong, who I thought was well styled (kind of  touches my heart when I see a well dressed asian man) and he said that he got some free stuff at a store, because the girl who worked at his store 'liked his blog' awwwwwwwww yeeeeeeah.
Check him out Here.
I thought that was pretty dope. Most people either love blogs or hate 'em. I think I will start loving them now if that gets me free cool clothes. My friend Frank hates them, and I understand why. In this day and age, people are famous for nothing and blogging adds to it. Famous for what? A blog? Oh yeah, something that ANYONE CAN DO. But hey, if you can get noticed for something that "anyone can do," then it better be really fucking good. Gimme free shit now. Can i get an Amen?

every day im hustlin'

Okay! so last night I went to Scotland Yard, one of my favorite and most visited bars since I've turned 21.If you had me in Maja Blazejewska's Identity and System class then you'd understand (since that's the store I decided to rebrand for the class assignment). And I was talking to some random drunk guy (story of my life) and he said something like 'IF I WAS A GIRL, I WOULDN'T PAY FOR ANYTHING. FOOD, DRINKS, MONEY, GAS..." (yeah he wouldn't pay for money either) But I'm pretty sure if you're a girl who has guys pay for EVERYTHING then that makes you a whore. I mean I'm all for chivalry, and if a guy I like or am dating wants to buy me a drink or dinner, our of the kindness of his ulterior motive heart, then I would totally let him after offering to go dutch or whatevs. But then there are those girls that like to take advantage of every curve on their body, and every eye lash they flutter.They are the girls that we make fun of and say 'YOUS A HOE'. 

Another thing, if a guy can admit that "if he was girl" stuff, about getting guys to pay for everything, does that mean I hold the power?! APPARENTLY so. according to all my guy friends I talk to about this kinda stuff, say yes. HA! like "yeah guys are really easy" wtf man, you're not supposed to tell me this stuff, and no i dont really take advantage of it. My guy friends also sometimes ask me the rules for dating too, like who pays for what when you ask someone out? I feel like its only fair to share the opinion ;)
Another thing, did you know that women blink twice as much as men? and "lesbians will blink less severely than heterosexual women, and gay men will blink more severely than heterosexual men. "

I had a friend tell me that in his class, some girl was bragging about how she gets her "man" to pay her rent and bills, etc. Yeah...I would not be bragging about that. That is some scandalocious shit, girl. that means YOUS A HOE. This kind of sets back our gender, thanks hoe. Besides I'm pretty sure, if you are using a guy that much, for money that means you can't do it on your own, honey. and I'm also pretty sure that he's using you too for a little somethin'somethin' on the side. That kinda shady gender/money stuff makes me feel reallllly weird. My dad always raised me to be all independent woman diva a la` Beyonce.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010



For my senior project, i started a zine, dedicated to exploring various stereotypes. If I had a nickel for everytime I had to plug my zine, I'd have like...a whole dollar. Anyways, I illustrated a majority of the images (which I had tons o' fun doing).
Anyways, check out the site, I built it with wordpress, but editing the css n everythang. If you'd like to purchase a zine feel free to email me at for $5 a zine, and $40 for posters.

J*FLEISH shout out!

I'd like to thank Jessica Fleishmann, for taking notice of my writing style and suggestion to start a blog. "J-Fleish" (as some of us Otis students like to call her) was a graphic design instructor of mine, at my last semester at Otis College of art and design. Every week, we'd have to do a current event style writing prompt (like how you had to do in highschool, to show you kept up with the times) but it was like the design edition of current events!
So come the night of senior show, I find J.Fleish, and tell her that I revised my final posters for her Ways of Thinking Class, and she's all "Did you get your weekly references folder back?! YOU SHOULD START A BLOG!!!"

oh snap! a blog? well aiiiight.
Then I flip through my folder of my weekly references, and notice her notes in it, like the blog idea, and read that she'll give me a recommendation if I need it, and that she doesnt do it for everyone. *EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE* thanks a lot of the support J. Fleish. btw, i respect her a lot, hence the excitement over the recommendation, and my general self-kicking in the ass for not doing better work for her in class. Monday classes, man....whats a girl to do.

You can check her out HERE!

or you can check out Liz Arnolds awesome post HERE with awesome photos, and an article definitely worth checking out