Anyways, if you've been to my publication site, you'll notice that it is a FULL BLEED production. Great name, if you ask me. (FYI its a technical printing term for making sure the ink gets printed to the edges of a document, do you don't end up trimming it, and then having a dumb looking border that is the color of your paper.) Then, as I was doing my weekly cruise of Vice Magazine, I stumbled upon THIS!
What the Eff?!
I have a sneaking suspicion that someone was like "Hey, we got an email from this chick, let's steal her ideas!" hahaha im totally joking. That's just what I think in my young, eager, and willing mind, and my ego crying out to the over lords of Vice. *le sigh #2*
This book totally combines about %50 of what is Borrah Jackson. Skating, Photography, NY, street culture, graffiti, urban life! Holler!
This would probably be a good gift for my bff Frank, whose an awesome skate boarder, and if you are reading this, you should go stalk him at the Northridge Mall. He works at Boarder's and you should sign him as a pro skater already. And this photographer who shot all of this is pretty awesome, too.