So If you know me, then you know that I just got back from a trip to NYC. Which was totally awesome/amazing/fun/educational/ and something that made a grow thismuch. I stayed with my friend Michael Lara, who will always be known to me as "Lara." He also dated another friend of mine, Candace who i <3, too. Anywho, sleeping on his futon, also meant being an automatic guest at his housewarming shindig that he had with his roomies, which were also totally awesome/nice people. I met this guy named Tay Trong, who I thought was well styled (kind of touches my heart when I see a well dressed asian man) and he said that he got some free stuff at a store, because the girl who worked at his store 'liked his blog' awwwwwwwww yeeeeeeah.
Check him out Here.
I thought that was pretty dope. Most people either love blogs or hate 'em. I think I will start loving them now if that gets me free cool clothes. My friend Frank hates them, and I understand why. In this day and age, people are famous for nothing and blogging adds to it. Famous for what? A blog? Oh yeah, something that ANYONE CAN DO. But hey, if you can get noticed for something that "anyone can do," then it better be really fucking good. Gimme free shit now. Can i get an Amen?